Introducing CC Group
CC Group is the collective name for over 40 care homes for the elderly situated throughout England, Scotland and Wales which are built, developed and managed by our experienced team and led by our board of directors.
Together they have developed our unique central management, quality assurance and compliance system, Health First. A key point of difference for our group, Health First provides central services and management tools for each individual care home to ensure they are always operating efficiently and delivering care at the highest level.
As an independent group we are agile and responsive with short lines of communication. Our business benefits greatly from this as a whole, and ensures we have a cohesive culture and approach from the top down, starting with our Chairman.
A Wealth of Experience
Our board is made up of experienced Directors from multiple sectors, including Finance, Law, Construction and Project Management, each with a strong track record in their field. Together they have been building care homes and providing care for over 20 years, with over 40 care homes currently operating or in development to date.
Their combined knowledge and expertise ensures they understand the complexities of both business and care, and the balance required to support key stakeholders and provide an outstanding service while generating returns.
Corporate Governance
Our board is committed to achieving high standards of corporate governance, integrity and business ethics for all activities. We expect the same of every employee at every level.
We have a number of systems and processes in place to ensure we meet all regulatory requirements. We continually assess, monitor and drive improvement for all of our services to enhance the quality of service delivery and our resident experience, in addition to ensuring health and safety is paramount to everything we do.